The Bridge School

Self-Determination Program

Activity 9: “In Charge”

Caring for your AAC systems: Students discuss their AACsystem components and the need to take responsibility for AAC systems.


To promote independence and self-advocacy for device care and maintenance. Students first learn about the responsibilities for the care and maintenance of their communication systems. They then learn how to gradually assume those responsibilities themselves.


Students learn about their AAC system components and the need for care and maintenance of those components on a regularly scheduled basis. Through guided and independent practice, students generate messages (novel or pre-programmed messages that have been co-constructed) that they can use to indicate the maintenance task that needs to be accomplished. Students demonstrate increased independence and self-advocacy for device troubleshooting, maintenance and care by independently producing the targeted message or action at the appropriate opportunity.


Device Care and Maintenance Target Skills Checklist [Word doc, 139KB]