In community-based instruction, our students have opportunities to put plans into action in real-world experiences with mentors there to offer support, guidance and encouragement along the way.

In self-determination sessions in community locations, students learn about and practice:

  • Decision-making
  • Choice-making
  • Problem-solving
  • Communication
  • Self-advocacy
  • Goal setting and attainment

Where do we go?

Students need opportunities to build and apply skills in real-world environments. Students choose community locations based upon their own interests and personal goals.

Community settings can include: Library, Coffee Shop, Community Garden, Grocery, Café, Museum, Anywhere!!!

Connecting to Communities

A Resource for People who use Augmentative Communication

Written and Produced by Barbara Collier, ACCPC, Canada

This 60-minute instructional DVD and guidebook explores how people who use AAC communicate in their communities. Seven advisors who use AAC present ideas and practical strategies for meeting people, maintaining friendships, developing conversational skills and communicating with community services and businesses.

Communication Disabilities Access Canada
