Learning problem-solving strategies: Students gain practice through role-play.
Students learn to use vocabulary for problem-solving and negotiating towards solutions. Students get practice coming up with creative solutions to problems through role-play in hypothetical situations. Students acquire vocabulary and strategies they will need when navigating through the process of setting personal goals and working towards achievement of their goals.

Using Situation Communication by Patty Schuchardt, students and mentors read the story scenarios. Students work with their mentor to learn the definitions of the 3 key vocabulary words for each individual story. Students and mentors practice using the vocabulary words in conversation and in answering the questions related to the content of each scenario. The questions are designed to generate discussions in which the student and their mentor can talk about how they would respond if they were facing a similar situation to the one presented in the text.

- Scan stories into text-to-speech software so student can listen to the story read aloud.
- Scan worksheets with questions into specialized software with features to create answer fields that students can type directly into, using their communication devices.