Discovering Myself Activities

Developing self-knowledge in different environments: Students engage in discussions and writing activities to develop awareness about themselves as learners and document their learning style and preferences.


Students engage in discussions and writing activities to develop self-awareness.

Image of four characters from Hannah Montana. Title at the top: Hannah Montana I am like... 
each character has a box with text in front of them.
Jackson: lazy, goofy, casual, laid back, foolish, fun, creative.
Oliver: friendly, ongoing, flirtatious, funny, over-confident, well-liked, athletic, loyal
Hannah: sensitive, jealous, talented, secretive, dry sense of humor 
Lilly: extroverted, excitable, awkward, impulsive, athletic, devoted, fun

I am Like…Example worksheet in Classroom Suite 3


Students select a silhouette that describes their own personality the best. Characters are used that are familiar to students through books, television and movies in order to illustrate the different traits and personality types. By using familiar characters, students will have a frame of reference as they decide which set of characteristics describes them the best. New vocabulary words are introduced and discussed at the beginning of the activity.

Image of five characters from Twilight. Title at the top: Twilight I am like... 
each character has a box with text in front of them.
Victoria: wanderer, vindictive, wicked, beautiful, survivor
Bella: clumsy, stubborn, self-controlled, talented, honest
Edward: beautiful, strong, agile, musical, collector
James: merciless, hunter, cunning, loyal
Jacob: happy, passionate, adventurous, strong, bad temper

I am Like…Example worksheet in Classroom Suite


Students use an authoring tool with text-to-speech capability to hear the vocabulary words aloud and answer fields to enter their responses independently.