Learning about each other: Students and mentors get to know more about each by playing a game.
Mentors and mentees learn about what they have in common with each other.
Mentors and mentees learn one another’s yes and no responses.
- Custom bingo cards – squares have information that are relevant to at least one or more members of the group (e.g., I go to San Francisco State; I like swimming…)
- All-Turn-It Spinner – each square on the bingo card is represented on the spinner
- Jelly Bean switch for access to the spinner
Mentor Preparation
- provide pieces of personal information to include on the bingo cards
- role-play with Self-Determination Program (SDP) staff prior to the Just-Like-Me Bingo session with the mentees
SDP staff introduce the game and review the squares on the adapted spinner. Students determine who spins. When the spinner lands on a square, each participant stamps their card if the description on the square is true for them. SDP staff remove the bingo square from the spinner once it has been selected. At the end of the game, staff highlight similarities and differences among the group.
- “How many of you like to swim?”
- “Who has twin brothers?”
- “Look at all of the things you have in common.” “Look at the things that make you different.”

Mentors and SDP staff introduce the game to the group.

Just Like Me Mentee Bingo cards can be personalized with mentee/mentor information.

Mentee/Mentor information can be customized on AllTurnIt Spinner locations.
Watch below to take a look at how Tyson finds out more information about the mentees.